The Devil's Claw
My 67th birthday yesterday. Went hiking in the desert with a friend and did a meditation in awesome silence. No wind, trees water or airplanes to make a sound. My dog, recovering from a pit bull attack the day before, hunted jack rabbits. I found a red jasper arrowhead and also spied these Devil's Claws. Before they dry out they look like green chilies, and my friend was horrified to hear that I had eaten them. They tasted good in a veg soup. Just a tang of bitterness that I liked. I looked them up and found they were eaten and even cultivated by Tohomo O'Odom people and used for weaving and as a headache medicine. I think they are weirdly beautiful. I have a chain of them hanging in my doorway. Lit a fire tonight. The whole house smells of smoke, but my it was cosy!