Ball game to-night! Was it homecoming or something? It's amazing how the kids can accelerate through intersections in their 1978 Honda's and superannuated pick-ups.
My fifth weekend without a car as the misunderstandings and errors compound themselves. Today a parts manager in a distant city groveled more or less at my feet though of course he was on the phone. He said he would fire the person who had supposedly been handling the order. Oh no please don't do that I say, not because I am kind, but because he'd get unemployment and then find a better job. Let him suffer where he is.
Went to an artist's reception as moral support for my itinerant Sufi piano tuner friend, who was providing background music for a Small Consideration. I picked up a real estate flyer and saw my house listed as for sale. My house is not for sale. In high indignation I called the realtor who assured me the photo was of a house she was trying to sell. I went to investigate the house. Turns out it doesn't look like mine at all. The photo was cunningly taken of one corner which did look like my house. It is an old and rather neglected adobe among a lovely proliferation of trees. It sits by the river which is dry except in a rare flash flood. It has water rights and looks across the desert to the mountains. $79,000 and needs work. I couldn't look inside. Now I'm in love with it even though it has an abandoned trailer house as a neighbor and retired trucks parked across the 'river'.... I hope the Old Adobe Flattener won't buy it.
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