Saturday, July 21, 2007


Since I was diagnosed with cancer ten years ago I have been more acutely aware of time. As I go from second to second the remaining time I have becomes exponentially more precious to me. My only option is to enjoy even the smallest pleasures like watching this seagull who was watching the tuna fishermen (reflected) who were selling their catch directly off the boat. An additional inconsequential pleasure is that the seagull appears to be headless, endowing the picture with a certain strangeness.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Educated Democracy

I met this person on US 299 in California. He believes that the country should be run by educated people who have demonstrated a sure knowledge in their field and can be trusted to make informed proposals that are then voted on. I didn't quite get it, but never mind. He was thinking way beyond the confines of any envelope. I am glad there are people gumming up the grindstones that mill us all into the mediocre and banal.