Friday, October 14, 2005

Dr Ross Dog Food is Doggone Good

Is it busyblogger time? I tried twice to upload an image and they both appeared to disappear. Not so much as a taunting little message.
This morning at three a.m., fueled by frustration and Vietnamese coffee, I was grappling with Final Cut Express. I knew Final Cut had won when the Dr Ross Dog food ditty from a lifetime ago popped into my raging brain. This little piece of advertising must have found a secure resting spot, with easy access to my conscious mind. Perhaps it cloned itself and is scattered at strategic points instead of resting undisturbed in the limboland of forgotten memories. I was a teen age GI bride alone in Texas when I first heard it. There was a TV program called, I think, the Smoot Report. Dan Smoot was a thin, haggard ex FBI agent and member of the John Birch Society whose ultra right wing point of view astonished me, having been raised in an entirely different world. At the end of his fifteen minutes of darkness, the jolly little jingle came on. I think it lodged itself permanently between my ears because of the contrast. Often accompanying Dr Ross in my mind is another jingle....."We're doing our Christmas shopping at Robert Hall this year"............... I think this one emanated from Southern California a few years later. I have no idea why I burst forth with it from time to time, frightening young children and even full grown people............


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