Thursday, May 11, 2006

I am in Arkansas. I have been looking for archaic remains in Mississippi. I was surprised by MS. We were in a dry county that had been affected by Katrina and the people seemed very nice but quite fat owing no doubt to their options for vice being somewhat limited by their religion (Baptist church forevery three humans)and law. Of course people drink but they do so carefully. They also eat cake with every meal with the possible exception of breakfast. I very nearly achieved honorary family member status with a family from Pascagoula who were so caring it was hard to believe. Their house had been filled to a level of seven feet with sewage by Katrina and illegal plumbing systems. They had it bulldozed. On the radio down there there are lots of ads by investment companies offering to keep people's insurance money for them until they are "ready" to buy or build. I loved the domestic rural landscape, with long, one story houses and trailers reclininglike contented cats on huge green lawns. Not what I expected. Some areasof the De Soto Forest were flattened, so a lot of salvage logging is going on. Price of lumber going down? I suppose not. They need it to rebuild, right? I cant read what I am writing because I cant figure how to enlarge the screen. I am in Mountain Home Ark which has a lot of fast food placesand banks.
The man who was my life for twenty years is havinga valve replacement today. He had undiagnosed strep throat as a child, and now at nearly sventy it has caught upwith him. He is atough old bird and my thoughts wont leave him alone today.