Friday, March 08, 2019


Yes why?  The Earth is awash with inane communication so why should I,  a feeble female low income octogenarian throw in an oar to no effect?

Damned if I know.

I just had my pecan trees minimized.  Men hanging by ropes and wielding chain saws swung among the branches, their saws making dreadful snarling sounds.  I don't want my trees falling into my neighbors' yards.  I must buy home insurance I suppose.  Today the wind is blowing hard and the air is full of dust.

I feel very much alone.

I am an immigrant in this country.  Why aren't I a citizen since I've been a legal resident since 1959 when I married a GI and came back with him from the UK?  Well I will tell you that I believe that basic health care is a human right and in no way a privilege.  That is why.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

The Wings of Time

Didn't see any!

Sunset, Tularosa Basin

                            My found dog dozes at sunset on a camping trip at Dog Canyon
                                                        Same sunset same place

Found this long abandoned blog this evening.  How sad that ten years have slithered away from me since I first wrote.  Ten years from now I won't just be dead I'll be forgotten!
Spent this evening hunting through the dark village for my adopted dog who walked out of the desert like Harry Dean Stanton in 'Paris Texas'.  I called him HDS at first but now he is Rusty because he is rust colored and one of my pragmatic neighbors said Rusty was the correct name for him.  I privately call him Houdini because it is very hard to contain him.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Whatever Again

I still can't speak, write or think about Trump.  It really isn't fair that his features repel me as I'm sure my features repel a lot of people too, but I would never have run for office.
Of course it isn't his features that actually frighten me, it is his words.

Thursday, December 01, 2016


I forgot about this blog.
Been a long time.
I have become exceedingly old since I last posted.
Oh I still do Zumba most days and walk and run and all that but the weight of old age is on my mind.

There's Trump now.  What can I say? 
It has been said.

I never became a citizen.  I married a GI and came over here and found out there was no universal health care.

Unemployed in Sacramento in 1963 and coughing and feverish with aching joints we got four bucks together to pay a doctor cash on the barrel head.  'You have mono or tuberculosis,' he said, 'get these tests done.  It will cost you ten dollars.'   No money for tests.  I eventually recovered.

I became a medical technologist and realized I probably had valley fever.
I also realized what a dangerous lot medical practitioners are.
Yes I am alive today because of surgeons who have removed cancer from my bladder about 40 times in the last twenty years with only one major disaster (ketamine) and a couple of minor ones.

The pecans are falling, and with them the leaves.  Raking and nut picking will take up my time until about March.  Last year I had a great crop and the price was very good.  This year we will see.
I like doing the work.  I live in a beautiful place, have friends and a lover and a sweet little adobe house.  I don't have a TV or a washer or a lot of other things people seem to need so I live quite well on very little and have no plans to go back to Europe.  But I can if I want.

Oh yes I took up 'art' kind of.

Friday, February 05, 2016

Hail Caesar............Don't Bother

Just saw Hail Caesar.  It didn't work.  The room full of Commies having tea was the best part of the whole thing.  I'm sure the Coens had high aspirations but it just failed (at least as far as I'm concerned).
Back in the fifties when I was fourteen I was hitch-hiking across France and I met some blacklisted Hollywood script writers.  They had no intention of ever returning to the US.  I wonder if they did.

This picture is in color but with the aid of iPhoto I transformed it to black and white.  I like it better.
What does this picture mean?  Absolutely nothing.  No connection to the Coens or Hollywood commies of yesteryear (that I can think of).


Sunday, January 24, 2016

So I joined Flickr but it's Always Crashing

 I went up to the mountains today and the road between Cloudcroft and Ruidoso was clear with snow all round.  When I stepped into the snow I was surprised to find out it was much deeper than I expected and I promptly fell down in it.

Had a Greek salad and shrimp jambalaya at the Rio Cafe Pizza place. Very good but next time I'll stick with the Portuguese soup which they have served since long before kale became so trendy.  I think they make the bread from pizza dough and I love it.

Got two tourist places to take my little prints.
My first venture into selling except at fairs etc.

Yes I inverted it.

Why not??

Trompe l'oeul?  I don't know.  Something like that.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Morning Sunlight

The contrail was so lacy

This morning
Staples parking lot.