Shar-Pei, Chow needs a home!
This will be part one in the story of Jack. I fear it will be a sad story, but perhaps not....
In a hopeless attempt to convince myself that I am a Good Person, I have in the past taken dogs from the pound and found homes for them. Last Tuesday I got Jack from the pound. In our community you just get hold of the animal control guy and he gives you the dog with no formalities. Jack is a SharPei Chow cross, and he is a great dog. He is more affectionate than my Chow mutt. The two dogs got on OK and even played together for one day then Jack decided it was his mission in life to kill my dog. This was not a wise move on his part. I got Jack fixed and given his shots and sent my dog to stay with friends for a couple of days while Jack recovered. Unhappily for me, during that time I bonded with Jack. I took him to a kennel because my own poor dog was traumatized by all this. I put Jack on the state pet finder site, put him on a local radio station and stuck up flyers at all the vets in town. The only response came from an African gentleman in Connecticut who sent an email to a lot of people besides me saying his daughter needed a dog. Hmm.
I guess everyone wants a little dog here, except the people who think its the height of cool to have a dangerous pit bull on a short chain in their back yard. Jack's a fighting breed, but without the cachet of a pit bull I guess. Not that I want him on a short chain behind a partially collapsed trailer, he's way too good for that.
Today I was on the radio with a bunch of other people talking about the state of the arts in this area. Hearty laugh. Oh well. I bought two paintings yesterday for a buck each. They are what I call Mexican Primitives. Acrylic on board with extra stick-ons. I really like them. I'll put them on my next blog. Is there someone out there who will make a home for Jack and buy my Mexican Primitives for a hundred each??????