'Far Too Far' Movie Review
I've never reviewed a movie before, but I just saw 'Far Too Far', a film made and apparently universally ignored here in New Mexico. Certainly it is an astonishingly bad movie. Amateurish acting, unattractive actors, a stilted script plus a pseudo pious scrim to justify it.
For all that this movie broke what I think is new ground. Did you ever see a woman awake from a drug binge and throw the covers off her to reveal a morass of shit smeared all over her and the bed?
Did you see a woman sell her nine year old daughter to her lecherous dealer because she was so desperate for drugs and yes it happened. The little girl was not rescued in the nick of time.
The settings, interior and exterior were grotty and real.
I think the people who made this movie wanted to shout GET REAL to all of us who are lucky enough not to be dirt poor, permanently exhausted from working two jobs and with very little hope for anything better. Nothing romantic there!
I hastily add that the child rapist gets shot and killed by the woman who sold her child and she goes to prison. An odd little touch at the end was when a Child Protective Service person makes sure the girl does not receive her mother's letters from prison. What was that about? I liked that touch.
I know one thing. I won't forget this movie, or at least I won't forget it as quickly as I forget most Hollywood stuff. Not a single flaming car rolling through the air in the whole two hours!
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