Sunday, July 25, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog??

I love the really weird ways that energized water distributes itself.

I had pretty much decided to dump these silly, narcissistic blogs because I had sort of outgrown them. Then I thought what the hell, no one reads them anyway so why not continue my mindless ruminations? Today I was thinking about the most politically and ecologically correct way of disposing of dog shit. When I hiked the Camino de Santiago de Compostela last year I was appalled by the piles of human shit beaconed by toilet paper that marked the Pilgrims' Way. I seriously considered collecting the more nauseous accretions in plastic bags to dispose of, hopefully, in trash containers when available. Then I got to thinking about all the plastic bags of poop that must be dumped in landfills all over the world. I thought of countries in Africa where people are obliged to use plastic bags as toilets. The bags accumulate and make a toxic layer several feet deep and cause contaminated water to remain at surface level etc etc etc. I have heard that the great majority of living organisms in shit are killed by a few hours of either freezing or hot sun, and even in more moderate weather, the stuff will blend into the ecologic balance of the surrounding dirt fairly quickly. I think the esthetic solution is a composting dog poop disposal station on every block. Next time I run for office I will make this the central plank of my platform.



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