A greenback dollar
Today I found a dollar bill on the floor in the laundromat 'Did anyone lose a dollar?' I called. The only other people in the place were a heavy, pleasant Apache woman and an old white woman who had arrived in an original paint and everything 1957 Chevy Belair. They were deep in conversation, sharing their lives and watching the driers rotate and the chick chat on the TV.
'You keep it honey,' one said. They were still laughing their heads off as I slunk ignominiously out to my car with a toppling load of clean laundry. WELL! I guess even people who do their laundry in laundromats find dollar bills inconsequential these days. I also picked up a penny in the parking lot, so I got the Gallo Hearty Burgundy for 4.99 instead of the Tisdale Shiraz at 3.99 and came out two cents ahead. I guess. OK, depends how you look at it.
It is pouring down snow! I did not move here for snow! I want to move to Mecca California. It snowed a lot a couple of days ago and one of my tall old pecan trees lost it's top under the weight, as it still has all its leaves on. It landed partially in The Judge's yard. Fortunately he is away and I was able to get some people to clear it all up. My olfactory senses detected a certain level of inebriation, but they did a nice job. I hope no more self pruning occurs.
Labels: dollar bills, snow.
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