Lost Puppies and Felled Trees
The other picture is of the old hippie logger with a broken back working on one of my pecan trees. He and his associate took down some trees at the end of my yard that blocked out all the sun. I think they were Russian Elm. I want to put in a small orchard. I want to plant paw paws because I don't know what they are except they are native American (I think) and supposedly the fruit is good. Last week I helped plant twelve pistachios. It was intense work as we had to break up the clay soil and mix in some river sand to try to help drainage which sounds weird but I guess they get root rot. I also helped hand harvest a small barley planting.... all this for Tibetan Buddhists when I am not a Tibetan Buddhist. They are way too much like Catholics for me.
The old hippie used to live thirty miles down a dirt road from Garberville and I think he can't go back. Wonder why. I now have a neighbor who was a roadie for the Dead so the tone of the conversation in my yard today was quite interesting to me, student of human nature as I am....
After being hot for a couple of weeks it was nasty cold today.
Had a negative cancer check. Good for another three months!
Labels: Lost puppies, old hippie loggers
Hi! The hippie logger lives in Tularosa? Glad to hear all is well. We miss you very much! Wonderful cancer news! I have been busy and challenged endlessly with work and family.
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