Cholla by Moonlight.
I also took the opportunity to visit an artist friend who had just arrived in Southern Arizona to live in an artists' community. It would be nice to think she is within visiting distance, but alas it is a long day's drive and a hell of a lot of gas to get there from here!
I wish the entire country was linked together by pedestrian/bicycle paths with rest stops every twenty miles! Oh yes and security patrols spaced a mile apart.......... and solar/wind powered wheel chairs for the infirm on a special track and a GPS unit attached to each person and the solar collectors would provide shelter from sun and rain and and and er............... Oh yes when sun and wind don't cut it peoples' feet running or walking on the specially developed surface of the track would generate power stored in new high tec batteries that could save the power for weeks or months well may be permanently and and and.... Oh yes, so the tracks could be illuminated... and and bicyclists have been generating enough power for their running lights for as long as I remember so there has to be a way of collecting that power too. I'm sure it can be done.... Think of the development along these trackways! Convenience stores and motels and emergency clinics would open in the most undeveloped areas of the country and .... Well wait a minute...... don't we already have a lot of this? Just clear off the auto roads, put all trucks on trains and open the highways to pedestrians and cyclists! People used to walk like that. Obesity would melt away. In fact if kids were forced to walk to school say up to five miles each way, that would be a good thing. Imagine the law suits.
I'm thinking about deleting this entire blog but I'm not going to.
I beat the drum at the Zendo today and I almost have it down.
YAY! I am glad you didn't delete it! But watch out for the Thought Police and Home land Security!
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