Saturday, October 21, 2006

Guy Stuff

The photo isn't of Guy Stuff. I like to think of it as the other fast food. I bought the cheese curds at some little dairy in Utah, the cherry tomatoes at a farmers' market in Lakeview Oregon, the apples were gathered at Fruita in Capitol Reef Park, and the bread baked in an outdoor brick oven was also from Utah -- Oh yes, you can't see the pinyon nuts I gathered in Nevada.

Today I decided to go to a computer group instead of my usual tai chi. I thought there'd be young nerds there, but no. They were all pretty old. Guys. Not nerds. All Mac people. I think the young'uns don't need support. What they see on the little (or not so little) rectangle is all they need. There was one photographer there with an intimidating arsenal of camera equipment. He takes millions of photographs. He gave me his website so I'll see what his pictures are like when I'm through with this. If I go back I'll bring cookies - the edible type I mean......

On the way home I saw something was going on on our dead mainstreet. It was a car show. I had a nice chat with a man with a beautiful 1928 Model A. There were two other '28 Model As, hacked and mutilated into freak car hell. There was a 1963 Chevy transformed into a rolling shrine for the owner's father, who had owned the car. He now reposes in an urn on the passenger seat. The car was gleaming black, with skull hubcaps and steering wheel, and skulls in every imaginable place and even a black chandelier hanging over the back seat. The upholstery was black velvet embossed with silver skulls. Some people were quite uneasy about the car, but really wasn't it a moving tribute, so to speak? I mean, why get buried in your car where no one will see it? There was a 1964 yellow Corvair convertible with a loving documentation of the steps to rehabilitation. The backgrounds seen in the photos was of tattered desert and a couple of old wooden sheds. The engine had the traditional Corvair sheen of oil on it. Not a high end restoration, but beautiful. There were a whole lot of Corvettes, including a 2007, which has a really heavy ass on it, which I think is a mistake. Also the ubiquitous Mustangs.......... ah that oily aroma! I remember it well....................................

Since the title of this post is Guy Stuff, I must regretfully report that at a Climate (read global warming) conference I went to in Albuquerque on Wednesday no women were represented! Man after man stood up with his little jokes and pie charts. There was a Swiss reinsurer there who was urbane and assured and quite frightening. Actually the Lieutenant Governor of the state was a woman and she said a few words. The governor appeared in video form only.


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