Through a Lens
This old lady was sitting on a bench in Paris. She looks rather insecure, but she seemed to be quite securely lodged. I have made a dollar thirty-six in royalties on my illustrious book. I must remember to report that on next years taxes. I was thinking I could get a double green chile cheeseburger and part of a senior coffee at McDonalds with it, but after taxes I guess I'm stuck with the entire cup of coffee.
I spent last night wandering about with my camera to my eye looking at everything and noticing how much better life looks through a lens. This must be why I have spent so much time making videos and taking pictures. My videos were boring history lessons, but now I specialise in Weird Looking Stuff and Created Sound, which is easy as it is not necessary to live up to anyone else's standards. Self indulgent crap no doubt, but at my age and level of ambition who the hell cares?
It rained up at the Zendo today. J says it is the Hopi bean sprouting dances that brought the rain, but it didn't reach the desert.
I had one of my Walmart Moments yesterday. We had a rather dreary poets'meeting then I knew I had to go to Walmart but I couldn't remember what it was I needed. So there I was patrolling the aisles waiting for a memory jog and instead I noticed, not looking through a lens, that everyone in the store was stark raving bonkers. I kept catching madly glittering eyes, people shouting atrocities into their cell phones, children that looked like devil spawn screaming at the self checkouts. I'm sure I looked as insane as everyone else. Then I saw two young women, obviously sisters, about six feet tall and both of them almost unbelievably beautiful. "You are both so beautiful," I said, hoping they wouldn't deck me as some lesbian pervert, but they just smiled dazzling smiles and thanked me as though they really meant it. Then I felt better until I jammed the self checkout money taker and had to stand there for half an hour while they found someone who could fix it. Then I went home.
J has found an ancient Michigan Buddhist who is fixing a whole lot of stuff for her. I guess she'll pay him something but you can tell that work is this old man's meditation. He scrounges all the building materials out of dumpsters etc. She had the guy that lived in his car last month. Don't know how she finds them.
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